O shot

O-SHOT Sandy, UT

O-Shot, short for Orgasm-shot, is an injection for women to increase sensitivity and sensation to improve their sex lives! It has the bonus of building collagen that supports the urethra, lessening the stress that causes urinary incontinence.
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The O-Shot uses medical-grade Natural Growth Factor Injections (natural growth factor injections) that contains collagen, fibrin, elastin, platelets, and growth factors. The best part is that it is all-natural! It comes from your bloodstream, so there’s nothing foreign or manufactured in this treatment. After numbing the treatment area, the Natural Growth Factor Injections is injected into the space between the urethra and the vaginal opening. This invokes collagen production to help support the urethra, lessen stress urinary incontinence, and create healthier vaginal tissue. Natural Growth Factor Injections is also injected into the clitoral body, increasing your nerve supply and blood vasculature! In simpler terms, that means improving your sensitivity and sensation!

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O Shot
O shot

A series of three injections is recommended for best results, and then a “touch up” is only as needed (or wanted, am I right?). The entire procedure takes about 45 minutes. If you are nervous, you can add ProNox to your treatment to prevent any discomfort. There may be slight bleeding at the injection sites that should go to stop quickly. You may be tender/swollen for 1-3 days as the Natural Growth Factor Injections absorbs into the tissues. There is no pelvic rest or downtime required! Many women experience hyperarousal in the first 3-7 days!

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Treatments start at $1200+ with package pricing available.

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