P Shot

P-SHOT Sandy, UT

The Priapus shot, known as the P-Shot, is specifically used for men’s sexual wellness. It is known to improve penile sensitivity, sensation, and lead to growth!
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The P-Shot utilizes Natural Growth Factor Injections (natural growth factor injections), which uses your blood for your treatment. We use medical-grade Natural Growth Factor Injections, which means that it is more concentrated than the Natural Growth Factor Injections offered at many other practices. More concentration means that it is more effective! Natural Growth Factor Injections contains collagen, fibrin, elastin, platelets, and growth factors. These elements work together to increase the nerve and blood network in the penis, leading to improved sensitivity and sensation. The collagen production may lead to growth as well, especially when performed as a series.

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P shot
P Shot

Peyronie’s Disease is a curvature of the penis that is sometimes aesthetic-only, but other times it can interfere with the ability to penetrate. Traditionally, surgical repair was the only option and this lead to a probably shortening of the penis. Natural Growth Factor Injections to the rescue! By injecting Natural Growth Factor Injections into the Peyronie’s scar tissues, the body will heal itself, often leading to complete correction!

After P-Shot, there is the possibility of some bruising at the injection site, temporary blood in the urine, or tenderness. These all resolve quickly. There is no sexual downtime required. Dr. Kat is well-versed in men’s sexual health and is the top P-Shot provider in Utah.

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