PLASMA and Natural Growth Factor Injections


If you have ever wondered if there is a way to remove fat permanently, you have come to the right place! Kybella is an FDA-approved injectable made of deoxycholic acid- the same thing that your gallbladder produces- and it chemically dissolves fat cells! Kybella can be injected into any area of pinchable fat and will reduce the volume of the area from 20-25% with each session. Commonly treated areas are small areas of fat under the chin, bra bulges, inner thighs, and the saggy part of the lower face. Once the fat cells are dissolved and destroyed, the body eliminates them through its natural healing process. Kybella can also be used with other injectables and may be discussed during your initial appointment or consultation.
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Kybella treatment takes 15-20 minutes, depending on the area being treated, with little to no downtime. When you meet with an injector, we will determine how many treatments you will need. You will likely need two or more sessions, but no more than six treatments are typically required. Results from each session take 1-3 months to materialize fully.

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Kybella Renewal Aesthetics
Kybella Renewal Aesthetics

In clinical trials used by the FDA, patients who gained weight after their procedure did not see weight return to the same areas, with the body distributing the fat to other places. The initial swelling or bruising may take up to a week to resolve, so it is important to plan each session at least two weeks before any vacation or event.

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Treatments are $600+

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